
"Breathe on Us, Breath of God!" (Acts 2:1-21, John 7:37-39)

Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. NunesRev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes, June 4, 2017
Part of the Sunday series, preached at a Sunday service

“Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love what thou dost love,
and do what thou wouldst do. Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure, until with thee I will one will, to do and to endure.” “To Breathe On” means: to exhale on someone or something. Most of us do not want folks to breathe on us! But we are not talking about just any kind of breath! We are talking about the very “Breath of God!” The Breath of God is something awesome! “The Breath of God” is the Holy Spirit!

Tags: #breath #breathe #Holy Spirit #God

About Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes: Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Marjorie Nunes
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