
"Our Inheritance Based on Our Service" (Ephesians 1:15-23, Matthew 25:31-46)

Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. NunesRev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes, November 26, 2017
Part of the Sunday series, preached at a Sunday service

Timothy Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York, writes: Pastors often hear, "I work my fingers to the bone in this church, and what thanks do I get?"
Is that the way it is? Your service was for thanks? Are you in your right mind? Servanthood begins where gratitude and applause ends.
—Mother Teresa said, “O Jesus … grant that, even if you are hidden under the unattractive disguise of anger, of crime, or of madness, I may recognize you and say, "Jesus, you who suffer, how sweet it is to serve you."
What does it mean to inherit? It means to come into possession of or receive especially as a right or divine portion. Yes, we have an inheritance but we are expected to serve until we go and receive eternal life.

Tags: #inheritance #divine #eternal #gratitude

About Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes: Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Marjorie Nunes
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