
"The 'Good News' Is Still Good!" (Nehemiah 8:1-1:3, Nehemiah 8:5-6, Nehemiah 8:8-10, Luke 4:14-21)

Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. NunesRev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes, January 27, 2019
Part of the Sunday after Epiphany series, preached at a Sunday service

Friends: “The ‘Good News' Is Still Good!” whether it is proclaimed in the in the sanctity of the church sanctuary or it is proclaimed on the highways, byways, street corners, beauty parlors, etc. Nehemiah 8 is one of the few places where Scripture talks about Scripture as such, showing us what happens when a community comes together to hear the written word proclaimed and interpreted. When Ezra lifts up the scroll and opens it for all the people to see they stand in reverence before this sacred text that mediates God's efficacious word. But it is not the scroll they revere. They revere and bless the God whose saving actions and presence the words of the scroll disclose.

Tags: #goodnews #wordofGod #reverence

About Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes: Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Marjorie Nunes
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