"The Lost & Found Business" (1 Timothy 1:12-17, Luke 15:1-10)

Part of the Sunday series, preached at a Sunday service
Everyone has lost something at one time or another. There is even a website complete with mobile app, www.lostandfound.com, that acts as a global 'lost and found’ box. Users can report items missing and users can report items found. It is a good example of how technology can help people connect in a useful way. This is a gateway site for all of the physical things that can be retrieved and returned to their rightful owners. According to their statistics, about twice as many objects have been reported lost as have been reported found in the U.S. So, the site's users are losing things at twice the rate they are finding them. Haven't we all had the experience of losing things that we know deep down we will never recover? Well Jesus is in “The Lost & Found Business.”
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