
"Finding Rest in Troubling Times" (Ephesians 2:11-22, Mark 6:30-34, Mark 6:53-56)

Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. NunesRev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes, July 18, 2021
Part of the Pentecost series, preached at a Pentecost service

True rest seems to be elusive for most Americans. Only one in seven adults (14 percent) set aside a day a week for rest. And on that one day a week, what do they do? Mostly, they work. Only one in five (19 percent) of this small group say they don't do any work at all. Even fewer Americans commit to daily time alone (16 percent) or; with God (21 percent) or; to activities that recharge them (12 percent). Only 12 percent of American adults say that they intentionally set aside a time of day when they don't use electronic devices.

Tags: #rest #Jesus #troubled times

About Rev. Dr. Marjorie E. Nunes: Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Marjorie Nunes
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