“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you.”
(Psalm 33:22)
August 27, 2014
Dear Christian Friends,
I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Risen Christ!
Let me express my deep gratitude to all of you; it is my honor and privilege to be your servant/ leader. I believe that together we can do something bold for the kingdom of God right here in
Hicksville, throughout Long Island, and beyond.
Please know that it is my heartfelt desire to see HUMC growing as a vital, vibrant congregation. I spend many hours on my knees in prayer to God, seeking guidance and direction on how to lead the congregation in this changing world. It is very challenging to grow a church in these times, yet we must do everything we can not only to sustain HUMC, but to grow our church “for such a time as this.”
Over the summer, we have been worshipping together in one combined worship service beginning at 10:00 am. We also added a time of blended praise and worship starting at 9:45 am, which ushered in the Holy Spirit. The worship service was followed by fellowship in the social hall, which allowed us to spend time with our church family, for those who so desired.
Our goal is to continue to take bold steps in order to strengthen our Sunday worship experience, in an effort to grow our church for now and into the future.
With this goal in mind, and to continue our combined experience of fellowship in Christ, we will have two worship services on Sunday mornings – 8:00 am and 10:00 am. The early service will be more meditative, and the later service will continue the experience of our summer combined worship service, including praise and worship at 9:45 am. This schedule will continue to allow time for fellowship in the social hall after the second service.
Following is the new Worship Schedule:
September 7 Combined Service 10:00 am