To our parents: Why Sunday School matters.
Faith connections that come early often last a lifetime. In a world that is increasingly complex, demanding, and, frankly at times, very scary, it becomes more important to offer a truly safe sanctuary for not only our children, but for entire families – a place to worship, heal, learn and grow. At the Hicksville United Methodist Church, our tag line has often been “Grow in Faith with Us”. We believe in a Triune God – the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. We observe the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. We are a Bible-based Church and offer many ways to develop a relationship with God and a faith community.
Our children and youth ministry ensures that every Sunday School classroom or youth meeting/event, has at least two trained adults. Every adult that works directly with children has cleared a criminal background check. Every week the Sunday School will focus on a different lesson plan from the “Grow, Proclaim, Serve (GPS)” curriculum. On Sunday mornings, during the 10:00 am worship time, following a brief time of family worship in the main sanctuary, all the students and their teachers will move to the classrooms on the second floor. There will be three 15 to 20-minute rotations every Sunday covering the a variety of areas such as art, music, science, story time (scripture reading and refection), drama, games or cooking, all developed for their grade level. We will use these different areas to teach a new bible lesson every week. Each week is independent so a student can miss one week and easily be able to join his/her classmates the following week. Friends and visitors are always welcome.
After class, all the students and teachers are brought together for a “Get Connected” moment, a brief prayer, hand out of any materials (please see the Hop on Home from early September on the reverse), with blessings for a great week and a safe return to Sunday School. Communion will be available on the first Sunday of every month.
There is never a fee for any class but we do encourage registration so we can obtain contact information (snow days do occasionally happen), send out birthday cards and find out about any special needs or allergies. Our students are placed into three groups:
Fishers: Pre-school to 2rd
Carpenters: 3th grade to 5th grade
Disciples: 6th to 8th grade
Our Senior High youths are an active part of our teaching and support staff and will have their own break out session after Sunday School is completed. The Senior High youths are always with our teaching staff. If you need more information or have any questions, please do call the Church office at 516-931-2626, or ask anyone with a name tag – they are our volunteer teaching staff. We thank God for the abundance He has placed in our lives and in our Church. We thank God for you! We hope we see you soon.
Yours in Christ,
Missy and Karen
Sunday School Co-superintendents